
As a dedicated sports enthusiast, I’ve been into bodybuilding /powerlifting 💪🏋️‍♂️ for five years and have competed several times during my undergraduate studies.

Over the past year, I’ve also developed a passion for bouldering and rock climbing 🧗‍♂️, which I’ve been enjoying for six months. A particularly memorable experience was rock climbing at Acadia National Park, with cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, on a foggy day – it was an unforgettable moment in my life. Additionally, I take pleasure in cycling 🚴, especially when chasing sunrises and sunsets.

Exercise has become a near-daily ritual for me, significantly contributing to my overall well-being and productivity.

I’ve also been cutting my own hair 💇‍♂️ for 2 years, a skill I find quite cool.

Below is a collection of photos I took during training, riding, and hiking.

FA Climbing Station Square Bouldering
East Liberty Presbyterian Church
Kayak in Sharpsburg
Rock Climbing in Acadia National Park
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone National Park
The Ringling
the US Steel Tower from Hot Metal Bridge
Double Rainbow over Flagstaff Hill, CMU