Xianwei Zou

Carpe Diem


5000 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

I am currently a Master student at Carnegie Mellon University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Deparment. I am interested in Machine Learning System in general, especially interested in Efficient Machine Leaning, recently interested in Parallel Computing, High Performance Computing and Scientific Machine Learning.

:zap: Fun Fact: see Personal


Jan 20, 2024 After six months of ‘marinating’ (a.k.a. procrastinating) the idea, I finally set up my personal website in just one hour, thanks to a nifty template I found.:smile:
May 17, 2023 My first paper as a co-first author, titled “The Hidden Dance of Phonemes and Visage: Unveiling the Enigmatic Link between Phonemes and Facial Features,” has been accepted at INTERSPEECH 2023.

Selected Publications

* indicates equal contribution

    The Hidden Dance of Phonemes and Visage: Unveiling the Enigmatic Link between Phonemes and Facial Features
    Liao Qu* ,  Xianwei Zou* ,  Xiang Li* , and 3 more authors
    In INTERSPEECH 2023 , Aug 2023